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Merge conversations rule action

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Rule actions 0 Backlog

More color options for team inboxes

It'd be great to have more color options for team inboxes than the current limit. For firms that have many team inboxes, this can be helpful to easier categorize their sidebar and review incoming emails via the email's dogear color in the corner.
10 months ago in Collaborate - work together seamlessly 0 Backlog

Last snooze time added to snooze list

Would it be possible to add a feature for Snoozing? Ideally it would be great to automatically add the same date that you last snoozed an item to the list. For example, if I have a follow up call on a certain day, I like to snooze prior emails to ...
about 1 year ago in Snooze 0 Backlog

Disable dynamic variables within composer

Remove '{{ }}' function from the composer so it can be used in the email body
over 2 years ago in Message templates 1 Backlog

Tags API: add ability to see and set 'Archived' property

1) The GET /tags list should include a flag to indicate whether a tag has been archived 2) There should be a way to archive a Tag via API
almost 2 years ago in Core API 1 Backlog


There are several threads I want to review at a later time but the back and forth keeps waking the conversation up. I can MUTE a conversation, then click over to archive, and then SNOOZE it to get my desired outcome. However, a Mute and Snooze sou...
almost 2 years ago in Snooze / Triage - get to inbox 0 2 Backlog

Expose Conversation Custom Fields to Plugin SDK

Right now if we need to access custom fields on a Conversation via the Plugin SDK, we need to issue a server-side API request to GET /conversations/:id. It would be helpful to expose conversation custom fields to the Plugin SDK in the same way as ...
10 months ago in SDK 1 Backlog

Select signature when autoreplying

Self explanatory
over 3 years ago in Auto-reply 0 Backlog

Shopify integration: sync Shopify data to Front

Bring Shopify data (orders, customers and products) so we can use it (not just a visual in a side window). For example, creating rules and tags based off Shopify tags would be amazing. We use tags in Shopify extensively and would love our conversa...
almost 2 years ago in Existing integrations / Workflows 2 Backlog

Modify or Disable '/' Template Shortcut

Many companies or organisations use external software that is reliant on character shortcuts, such as '/'. This can conflict with Front's own built-in '/' shortcut for Templates. Allowing modification of this character or the option to disable thi...
5 months ago in Composer 0 Backlog