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Hide individual inbox in sidebar

I use Front for work but have my personal gmail account linked as well. I'd like to hide my gmail account so I'm not distracted by it during the work day and also so I never risk my colleagues seeing my personal emails if I'm sharing my screen and...
5 months ago in P1 navigation - left pane 0 Backlog

Don't require signature to set sender info

Currently, in order for the sender's name to appear in an email to the recipient, a signature must be used. It would be nice to pull the sender's name from their Front profile or allow it to be set elsewhere without the need to create a signature....
almost 2 years ago in Signatures 2 Backlog

Vonage Integration

Use Vonage like Twilio to connect into WhatsApp. I'm not sure if this would be worth exploring as we look at expansion in Europe. Client in Germany brought this up.
over 1 year ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Add 'Draft Created' as a Trigger for Rules

When a large customer is using the API with a singular custom channel to create drafts in batches, there is a manual triage component in terms of routing the Draft to the correct place. If Front could look at the content on the draft and take acti...
almost 2 years ago in Rule trigger 0 Backlog

New tools to recognize phishing attempts.

Due to an increase in phishing emails lately and a possible influx of more capable attempts with the advancements in AI tech it's important to make sure there are processes in place to catch them before they can cause issues. The idea is a new rul...
almost 2 years ago in Rule actions 0 Backlog

Expose Conversation Custom Fields to Plugin SDK

Right now if we need to access custom fields on a Conversation via the Plugin SDK, we need to issue a server-side API request to GET /conversations/:id. It would be helpful to expose conversation custom fields to the Plugin SDK in the same way as ...
9 months ago in SDK 1 Backlog

Last snooze time added to snooze list

Would it be possible to add a feature for Snoozing? Ideally it would be great to automatically add the same date that you last snoozed an item to the list. For example, if I have a follow up call on a certain day, I like to snooze prior emails to ...
about 1 year ago in Snooze 0 Backlog

Setting to always show CC line when composing a message

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Message headers / metadata 0 Backlog

WooCommerce integration

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

API method to permanently delete conversations

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in Resources 0 Backlog