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Option to keep email open for yourself upon assigning to someone on your team

Currently, when a shared inbox owner assigns a conversation from the team inbox to a teammate, the message is moved to the assignee and is auto-archived for the inbox owner (though they are still subscribed). Afew inbox owners prefer to have these...
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

UI to build forms for embedding in external website

I was on a call with Tarion and they wanted to be able to embed a form on their website but they're not that technically sufficient with HTML, so they're probably going to use a 3P. It would be great if Front could provide a drag and drop feature ...
over 1 year ago in Other channels 1 Backlog

Rank search results based on the recency of the match and not the most recent activity on the conversation

Description: Search results are ranked chronologically but based on the last activity time of a conversation containing a match, and not based on the activity time of the search match in the conversation. For example for the search query: acme@acm...
almost 2 years ago in Search Ranking 0 Backlog

CES: Customer Effort Score - Analytic metric

Description of the Feature: The Customer Effort Score (CES) is a critical metric for assessing the ease with which customers can interact with a support team to resolve their issues. It is a survey post-interaction with customers asking something ...
over 1 year ago in Metrics 1 Backlog

Manually Close / End a Front Chat conversation

As an operator / agent, I'd like to be able to "end" a chat with a customer. They can still start a new one.
over 1 year ago in Live Chat 0 Planned

Google Task Integration.

Ability to add Google Tasks and get alerts on comments.
over 1 year ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

[accuracy] Similar conversation based on a more specific entity (inquriy, ticket, order, shipment ...)

Situation: The current “similar conversation” feature in Front is based on semantic proximity. This approach can be inefficient, especially when users need to find conversations related to specific entities like a ticket number, order number, ship...
6 months ago in AI / AI similar conversations 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: select all (Ctrl+A) in the Spam & Trash folder to mass delete

Today, we are unable to use the select all shortcut in the spam folder, which makes mass deletion of spam messages difficult.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / Keyboard shortcuts / Triage - get to inbox 0 1 Backlog

Create a calendar invite from an email and automatically put the people on the email as invitees

Would help anyone that needs to create a meeting related to or derived from an email
4 months ago in Calendar - other 0 Backlog

Streamline management of teammate custom fields in table

Show and edit custom fields directly in teammates table without having to navigate into each user.
about 1 month ago in Custom fields 0 Backlog