Context links today apply across every workspace/ department. Other depts e-mails are sorted differently and read in a different way and the link being applied universally is not ideal. Would like the ability to modify context links to have a more...
It would be helpful to have Snoozed count showing on status bar. Currently the only items showing are counts for Open emails. I have a tag for Snooze and in the status bar it would be great to see the count for what is snoozed. Yes you can hit the...
Log timeline activity on conversation subject being manually changed
My team spotted a couple of cases where the subject of a message did not align with the conversation subject; it turns out someone on the team manually edited the conversation subject. To make cases like this clearer, it would be useful to have a ...
For scheduling links, the option to use Recurring as the option for availability but also to lock it so that people who try to book a time through the scheduling link can only book a time a certain number of days in the future
It would be great to have an option to use Recurring as the option for availability on a scheduling link but also to lock it so that people who try to book a time through the scheduling link can only book a time a certain number of days in the fut...
Manually triggered auto replies should be accounted for in metrics
As a support manager, I want that manually triggered automated messages are taken into account in analytics, so that my teammates' work is represented accurately