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Meeting Times on Calendar Below 15 Minutes

Allow customers to book times with you below 15 minutes (a 10 minute meeting for example)
8 months ago in Schedule - manage your calendar 0 Backlog

Make a Calendar Appointment Tentative until Confirmed by Organizer

In the Front Scheduling Links, the ability to make a "meeting request" instead of booking directly so that the organizer/Scheduling Link owner needs to confirm the meeting first
8 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Make pasting options available

When pasting, the options for how to paste should be visible as a popup (default, with or without formatting, etc.)
about 2 years ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 0 Backlog

[Tags] Search for nested tags when searching for a parent tag

Being able to return results from nested tags when searching for a parent tags.
about 2 years ago in Find the result I'm looking for 0 Backlog

Automatically switch signatures based on tags

We think this would be a nice feature: being able to automatically switch signatures based on tags. So, if a conversation has tag A, use signature X. This could even simply work with the existing rules feature. The signatures could be added to the...
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Conditional signatures to set details based on directory contacts

Can we look at being able to use if-statements in company wide signatures? We currently use Exclaimer which allows us to set picture and detail information based on various information in the Azure directory. The logos and pictures live in Exclaim...
about 2 years ago in Signatures 0 Backlog

Ability to pull all the headers of an email

Sometimes, important information—such as links—are included as a value of a custom email header.
over 1 year ago in Message headers / metadata 0 Backlog

Apply the scope of a filter to the last message of a conversation (e.g before:last-week)

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Filters 0 Backlog

Pin parent tag and ALL nested tags to sidebar

Context: users migrating from folder-based email systems (Outlook) find it difficult to accept lack of folders. Front's answer is: use tags. However, unless you know that a tag exists, it is often difficult to find them, so users end up creating s...
over 1 year ago in Tags 0 Backlog

Ability to create rules for an inbox delegated to me

Currently, you cannot create rules on a delegated inbox if not an admin. This is because the conversations live in a namespace you do not own.
about 4 years ago in Delegated inboxes 0 Backlog