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Export Analytics metrics "Time spent in..."

The "Time spent in" metrics are available in the Analytics UI but not in the API or exports
20 days ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Display timezone of reports in Analytics

Metrics are affected by the user's timezone. Users in different timezones will see different values, but have no clear way to notice why.
20 days ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Default preferences for company or team

I’d like the ability to set the default preferences for my company. This is similar to but I’d like to set a default value that the user can choose to customise if they wish. My specific use case is that...

Sort conversations list by sender

Ability to sort the conversations list by sender or "from" address. This is something that is able to be done today in Outlook, and can be key to certain users' workflows.
almost 2 years ago in P2 display - conversation list 2 Backlog

Threading mode that adheres strictly to Gmail's logic

Currently, choosing Gmail threading will thread messages according to Gmail's logic in addition to regular threading
over 1 year ago in Threading 1 Backlog

Option to have view number counter display all conversations (instead of just open conversations)

It would be amazing if there were a way to (when we're setting up a new Public Tag/Custom View/View) to have the number counter show all conversations with that tag, not just open ones. We are starting to heavily use public tags/custom views a way...
almost 2 years ago in Counters 1 Backlog

Taskbar icon to turn gold (or other color) when a new email comes in

Like Outlook, it'd be nice if (when a new email came in) not only would the Front have the number counter on the taskbar icon increase, but also if the icon turned a different color. Outlook turns the icon gold when a new email arrives so you can ...
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Counters 0 Backlog

[KB access control] Internal knowledge base access for non-Front employees

Not all employees have a full Front license. Allow these employees a way to access internal Front knowledge base, perhaps with an add-on license just for KB since they don't need nay other Front access.
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

"Vacation responder" for internal @mentions in comments

When I'm out of office for an extended time I set a vacation responder for emails. It would be helpful to enable the same thing for cases where a teammate @mentions me in an internal comment. Having a "comment vacation responser" could allow the s...
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

[Contacts Basics] Sort & filter contacts in the contacts manager

Being able to filter contacts & lists in the contacts manager by attributes such as account, source, last updated, name etc.
over 3 years ago in Contacts Manager 0 Backlog