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Display tags in Compose draft

It would be great if we could selected tags in the draft window. Distraction at times cannot be avoided and not everything can be summed up in one tag. When coming back to a draft there is no way to see which tags I have already added when I start...
12 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Expose Split Conversation in API

Ability to split a conversation into multiple converastions via API.
almost 2 years ago in Core API 0 Backlog

Update Message ID in Plugin SDK context when user selects messages

When the user clicks on different conversations, the context object gets updated and the conversation id gets updated. Currently, if the user clicks on a given message within a conversation, the context object does not get updated. The idea is to ...
almost 2 years ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Make "Expand All" to be a top-level action in the toolbar instead of nested in the actions menu

Having this button visible on the toolbar at all times would make it more discoverable and memorable for less savvy users.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Make read status more granular: on a message basis rather than conversation level

Currently, viewing a conversation marks the whole thing as being read, even if you didn't scroll up to see all the messages in the convo. This confuses some users when they read the most recent message in a long conversation, and the next time the...
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Preference for Assignee Title in Sender Line

After a recent update, when a conversation is assigned to the user the format of the heading of the conversation of the assignee in the side panel is now "Sender > me" previous to the update it was "Sender > FirstName LastName". I'm requesti...
almost 2 years ago in Assign / Assigning 0 Backlog

View for Tags that would include Archived Emails

We use tags to track certain items that need to be paid out on a monthly basis. It would be very helpful to have a view of these tagged emails that have been archived so we could have them all in one place without them having to be Open.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Be able to set the "time passed since trigger" in a rule by days instead of only hours or minutes

I'd like to be able to automatically follow up with my customers shorly before their quote expires. Our quotes are vaild for 60 days so the current set up of following up withing hours isn't useful for me
almost 2 years ago in Rule conditions 0 Backlog

Show metadata of social media accounts (i.e. follower count) I am interacting with

Ability to see the follower count of a user I’m interacting with on Front app and filter incoming requests by follower count
almost 2 years ago in Other channels 0 Backlog

Granular assignment limits

Giving Admins the ability to set complex limits such as “assign up to 1 chat and up to 5 emails to this teammates"
almost 4 years ago in Load balancing 0 Backlog