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Highway Custom Plug In

Clients want to flag certain emails in Highway through a plug-in in Front. This is a similar feature in outlook. This is typically a security risk/requirement that logistics customers may have.
12 months ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Include all Slack message content for bot messages

Bots often add "attachments" or "blocks" with additional message content. These are not included in the message text since their intended use seems to be for "lower priority content", according to the Slack docs.
over 1 year ago in Other channels 0 Backlog

Allow OAuth clients to request additional permission scopes

When external applications request Front API access through OAuth2, they are limited to the "shared resources" scope, which grants access to API resources belonging to shared workspaces. This idea suggests expanding the available scopes that a use...
almost 4 years ago in Core API 3 Planned

unsubscribe a user from a conversation rule action

Directly unsubscribe a user from a conversation via rules (for example unsubscribe the teammate that assign the conversation to another teammate) at this time.
2 months ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Chat Visitors can view their chat history / prior tickets when accessing chat widget

Chat visitors can view their chat conversation history. This is important if the chat widget lives in a portal for current customers and they can view their prior chat history
12 months ago in Live Chat 1 Backlog

Clarify inbound messages, outbound messages and comments in Chat conversations

The new design of a Chat conversation means that Inbound messages, Outbound messages and internal notes/comments can be difficult to distinguish due to the shades of blue and grey used. The compose box also now has a "Shared Draft" bar at all time...
almost 2 years ago in Live Chat 1 Backlog

Update the content of message when forwarding, replying or sending to slack with rules

Would be useful to have just the important info that the next team needs based on the information the previous team has compiled.
12 months ago in Rule actions 0 Backlog

Create linked conversations to an existing conversation using the public API

The ability to create a linked conversation via the API and attach it to an existing conversation
about 1 year ago in  0 Backlog

Set up views to filter by two tags using AND condition instead of OR/ANY

Right now, when setting up a view, you can only choose to filter by ANY tag which means that if I select more than one, I am getting all emails with any of those tags (OR logic). However, I would love to be able to select more than one tag and onl...
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Error Codes for WhatsApp on mobile

Often, WhatsApp encounters errors, but the error codes aren’t visible on the mobile app.
5 months ago in Native features 0 Backlog