I want to be able to click one button to Archive/Unassign/Unsubscribe from a convo. We use SMS a lot and all out of the same threads. Getting these convos out of our "my inbox" is a multi-faceted headache. We made a rule to link together "archive"...
Users can archive conversations in their inbox don't have the archive permission
Admins remove a teammate's permission to archive conversations, to avoid the conversation being mistakenly closed in a shared inbox. This would mean that the However, this shouldn't restrict the user from archiving the conversation in their own in...
Create a single artifact when linking a conversation to multiple salesforce objects in the SF Plugin instead of multiple artifacts
When logging a message/conversation against a salesforce object in the SF plugin front will create 1 unique artifact per object. Example if I want to log a conversations against an Account, a contact and a lead Front will create seperate records f...
For example, it would be super useful to be able to select, copy and paste excel data into the comments, instead of having to screen capture data and paste it as an image