I wish AI compose to be easier to use. Problem 1: It requires to many clicks, it's not automated enough ideas: inline suggestion; autocomplete; floating bar ... Problem 2: hard to know the changes when using a compose text transformation ideas: Se...
Include all Slack message content for bot messages
Bots often add "attachments" or "blocks" with additional message content. These are not included in the message text since their intended use seems to be for "lower priority content", according to the Slack docs.
Allow shared message templates to be created that can be used across multiple Workspaces. This saves admins from needing to duplicate message templates.
[language] Translate selected portion of previous messages
Currently the "Compose with AI" Translate option is only available for the messaging being composed - it would be very helpful if we can also highlight text from earlier conversations and have that translated as well within Front app. Perhaps as a...
Initiate an email from a personal address in a shared inbox
I'd like to be able to start an email "in a shared mailbox" but sending from my personal email address/inbox so that any replies show up in the shared mailbox as open/assigned to me. Most of our users communicate with customers using their own ema...