Application Webhooks: Configure which inboxes to receive notifications from
As a developer, when I create an Application Webhook I will receive notifications for all events of the type(s) I subscribed to, across all shared inboxes. My app users may only want to monitor a subset of their inboxes with my app, so I receive a...
Improved API support for bulk or batch imports/updates of resources
As an API user, the ability to create batches of resources, specifically Tags and Contacts, would be very helpful. I regularly hit my API rate limit when trying to migrate large groups of Contacts into Front
Configure columns for custom fields in contacts manager
I saw that I could use Custom Fields to add custom columns. But unfortunately I can't configure them the way I want.Example in this screenshot, the Twitter and Description columns don't interest me at all. I would have liked to be able to delete/h...
Conditional signatures to set details based on directory contacts
Can we look at being able to use if-statements in company wide signatures? We currently use Exclaimer which allows us to set picture and detail information based on various information in the Azure directory. The logos and pictures live in Exclaim...