Option to stop automated responses from updating conversation timestamps
I am looking to request an option to prevent automated responses (such as templates that are sent by a rule after a period of no response) from updating the conversation timestamp so that we can accurately measure how long it has been since a conv...
[Import] Adding Helpcenter.io as a supported knowledge base for Importing Articles
We're migrating from helpcenter.io and I love the migration and import features but since helpcenter.io is not supported it's going to make it a much more manual process.
More text options for AI Compose (continue writing, explain, summarize, generate actions items...)
Our team loves the new compose with ai tool. It would be awesome to also have the following options within the compose with ai tool so our team can be more effective when communicating with in front. Se images from another platform that has these ...
CTRL + ENTER to send trips me up all the time, and I have to fumble to hit undo before the half baked email gets sent. I would like the ability to turn off this lone shortcut, or set a custom one that's much harder to trigger by mistake.