Merge conversations with mixed types (eg. email and Front forms)
Unfortunately, there isn't currently a way to merge conversations when one is started as a form submission, and the other was started via email.
The conversations have different "types" and are not compatible for merge, and we'd like to be able ...
Add a new custom field type: Link. It is a clickable text with a URL. Customers using dynamic objects asked for it and it can also be used for other objects like contacts and accounts.
Currently, it's impossible to drag&drop attachments from Front to external applications (such as Google Chrome, Drive etc.) on Mac. It is possible on PC but not on Mac. This is a huge productivity killer and therefore will make a very big impa...
Provide visibility on actions taken by admins, to help teams work cohesively together. View historical activity when resources have been created, edited or deleted Rules Contacts Channels Inboxes Roles Teammates Teammate Groups Company settings Fe...
The ability to view & search within all rules that a company has
Giving admins the ability to have a top-down view of all rules that their company has. Would allow admins to search for specific rules based on their conditions.
Prevent users from sending messages with shared channels
Admins may want teammates using an inbox to only send messages with their own individual channel. This could be because they want a consistent customer experience or in some cases to avoid sending an email to customer A from the customer_b@mycompa...
Select channel when replying or forwarding with rules
Ability to change the channel used when replying or forwarding with rules. This useful when a conversation moves around multiple inboxes with different channels.