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Other (workflows)

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More granular permissions for rule creation

Ability to have more granular permissions when it comes to "rule creation". It would be important to have some rule templates/rule types that certain users can create

Safety nets for agents

This is an entire family of workflows around "I want to prevent something in special circumstances" Identified use cases: - Select a default channel in certain cases (i.e. "you have to use the risk@ channel by default when in the risk inbox") - Bl...
about 4 years ago in AI / AI angel (QA before sending) / Other (workflows) 0 Backlog

Always add a recipient when using a specific message template

No description provided
about 3 years ago in Message templates / Other (workflows) 0 Backlog

Individual rules applying to shared conversations

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Other (workflows) 0 Backlog

Require tag: add new tags to the list automatically

Idea: "select a tag among children tag of tag X" This would be very helpful if you have a "Incident type" list of tag and you add new types as they happen.
almost 3 years ago in Other (workflows) 0 Backlog

Explicit "empty value" cases in rule conditions

Rules to not have explicit No value/NULL cases. It prevents very specific workflows from working ("do X if subject is empty").
about 3 years ago in Other (workflows) 2 Backlog

See "last time used" for message templates in message template list

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Other (workflows) 0 Backlog

Create resources (tags, inboxes) from rule editor

Allow tag and empty inbox creation from the rule editor to speed up creation.
about 4 years ago in Other (workflows) 0 Backlog

Export Ruleset Table into CSV with Tag Name and Inbox Name

When you export a ruleset table as a CSV, instead of the inbox ID and tag ID being in the CSV file, show inbox name and tag name.
over 1 year ago in Other (workflows) 0 Backlog

Required Tagging feature for personal email inboxes

We need to be able to see how many client facing emails are worked in an agents personal email box vs. personal/spam emails.
almost 2 years ago in Other (workflows) / Triage - get to inbox 0 0 Backlog