Auto Cancel a Scheduled "Send Later" Email if responded to
Hello, Our team is in the operations side of things and would love if we were able to auto cancel a scheduled follow up email upon receipt of a new incoming message. For instance: 1. We send a request for X via email 2. Immediately send a follow u...
Instead of seeing only 4 recent templates, and then ALL templates and having to scroll through everyone's, can we either increase the RECENT section or be able to filter by our own personal templates?
Customer is requesting the ability to use dynamic links in a signature. For example, when using the custom teammate field {{teammate.phone_number}}, they would like the number to be clickable.
Display recent documents for easy access when attaching files to an email
Outlook includes a feature in which your "Recent Documents" are easily accessible for attaching without the need for File Explorer to open. Suggestion to have a similar capability in Front for recent attachments.