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Core Product Experience

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Unread counters for shared inboxes

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almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Show summaries for all conversation previews

Show the conversation summaries when it can help understand what a conversation is about, across the app so a user can work faster. For example, showing the summaries on conversation previews in the inbox view the search view linked conversation t...
4 months ago in AI / AI summary / Core Product Experience / Search result previews (P2) 0 Backlog

Restricting Context Links by Workspace

Context links today apply across every workspace/ department. Other depts e-mails are sorted differently and read in a different way and the link being applied universally is not ideal. Would like the ability to modify context links to have a more...
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Links 0 Backlog

"Waiting" & "Resolved" Tabs in Personal Section

No description provided
about 2 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Display history of template creation, and show when last used

In the UI of the "Message Templates" section of Front, i'd like to be able to be able to see the history of the message template (primarily, who created it, and who last edited it), as well as see when it was last used. If I see we have templates ...
9 months ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Print or PDF entire conversation including comments

Teams that deal with sensitive content that may be subject to audit are looking for a way to take a snapshot of all content (emails/comments) on a conversation so they can store it elsewhere.
over 1 year ago in Printing 0 Backlog

Remain on the last selected email when going back to the inbox

If I click on the Send folder then go back to the Inbox, the inbox should not automatically select the newest email, it should remain on the last email that was selected in the Inbox
10 months ago in P2 display - conversation list 1 Backlog

Co-owning scheduling links

I would like to share ownership of the scheduling links with other team members for when I am out of the office or need a team member to manage to scheduling link.
29 days ago in Schedule - manage your calendar 0 Backlog

Ability to merge discussions

Suggestion to be able to merge discussions, like how you can merge emails in Front today
over 1 year ago in Merge / privacy leaks / threading 0 Backlog

Sync non-Google or O365 Calendars

Add personal iCal calendar in prevent double booking feature for scheduling links
over 1 year ago in Scheduling Links 1 Backlog