For many third-party channels, messages and call logs tied to one contact thread in one long conversation, which can be messy for users. The ability to split these messages into new conversations will help to organize their communications better i...
Give customer the choice between multiple 3rd party spell checkers
Currently Front supports spell checking using Grammarly. However, some customers would prefer to have the choice the use other spell checkers, like Microsoft spell checker, as there are cases where they can provide better suggestions.
Instead of "From 9 to 5 from Mon to Fri", be able to say "From 9 to 5 from Mon to Fri, except on Dec 25, Jan 1, etc". This allows to take plan for holidays, teammate PTOs, company events, etc.
[action] Auto Correct or suggest spelling and grammar suggestions
Context: Since we deprecated the Grammarly integration, customers can utilize Front's AI compose, which has grammar and spelling suggestions. Request: Would be ideal to either have auto-correct auto-suggestions in pop-ups, without selecting the "c...