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Core Product Experience

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Link previewing in comments and discussions

It would be great to allow embedded messages, like tweets, to added to a discussion thread. I was in a thread where someone pasted the embed code for a tweet and it just sent the raw html (obviously) but it would be a great QOL update to be able t...
over 1 year ago in Comments / @ mentions 0 Backlog

Simplified Skin Tone Selection for Emoji

Similar to how Apple does it on iOS, it would be beneficial to have a more intuitive way to change skin tones/colors of emojis. Perhaps implementing a feature where users can right-click on an emoji to quickly select the desired skin tone would gr...
12 months ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 0 Backlog

Print Knowledge Base Article for internal use by others

The knowledge base articles you may wish to print an article for use in a meeting, to walk through a process with someone who is for example in your warehouse and does not have a company. If a company is to put all processes and knowledge into the...
12 months ago in Knowledge Base / Printing 1 Backlog

Ability to have the Private Inbox Tag Removed from Discussions

To help with organization, it would be nice to have discussions allow a more permanent removal of the private inbox tag when moving the discussion to a another tag. This can help it remain with the tag, as it currently reopens to the Inbox.
over 1 year ago in Internal discussions 0 Backlog

Not jump to next email when you archive something / look at your inbox instead

There should be a way to not automatically look at the top email in each inbox when you archive something. Gmail currently takes the user to look at their main inbox - not a specific email/record
almost 2 years ago in P2 display - conversation list 0 Backlog

Back to previous conversation

Like in a web browser if we could go back to the previous page (conversation in this case) it would be pretty usefull for merging and "linking" conversation together.
over 1 year ago in P1 navigation - left pane 1 Backlog

Snooze for a set day/time

snooze option to set for a set day/time, (i.e. the day you come back from a vacation)
almost 2 years ago in Snooze 0 Backlog

Tags on calendar events

Ability to add tags to events on the calendar.
over 2 years ago in Managing/Updating Events 0 Backlog

Allow for an editable, clickable button that links to a URL. "click me"

This would be useful when sending emails to customer attempting to drive them to a specific page/landing page.
12 months ago in Composer 0 Backlog

Ability to start composing a new email in the main app view rather than a popup

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in Composer 0 Backlog