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Live Chat

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Ability for multiple people to edit chatbot flow at once

Only one admin can currently edit the chatbot flow at a time. Would it be possible to support multiple admins editing it at the same time?
almost 2 years ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Integration with Dialogflow in Chat

It would be nice to integrate Google Dialogflow into our chat offering in the way Twilio Flex currently does
almost 2 years ago in Front Chat 0 Backlog

Home page and News pages built into the Front Chat widget for proactive messaging

We love Front but find the chatbot lacks some nice features that Intercom has with the chatbot. We would love to see the Front chatbox be upgraded to allow proactive messaging/information to be shared. We would use this to share news about our lat...
12 months ago in Chatbots / Live Chat 0 Backlog

Handling Chatbot Messaging During Holidays/Slow Periods

Request an efficient way to indicate slower response times to users during holidays or low-activity periods, without manually updating messaging across multiple channels. Potential solutions: Centralized setting/flag to activate "slow response" mo...
12 months ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Chatbot Contact Fields

It would be great if the phone number contact field on the chatbot could be formatted so it isn't in US style formatting. For example, when typing in a UK mobile number (e.g. 07712312312) the bot does not allow you to submit or move forward becaus...
about 1 year ago in Chatbots / Contacts 0 Backlog

Front Chat: Control when a welcome message is sent to user (like every time a visitor visits a page)

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Continue chat conversation across different channels for end user

Sometimes although a conversation may start on live chat, we may want to continue it on another channel like email, SMS, or WhatsApp. Currently there's no easy way to transition a chat conversation to another channel type.
over 2 years ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Keep chat open past business hours settings

We noticed that when we are in the middle of a conversation with a customer, that if the business hours rules are enacted, the chat will shut down automatically. It would be nice if we had the option to continue an active chat past business hours.
about 1 year ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Display available teammates in Chat Widget

When a site visitor opens the chat widget, display the avatars of the available teammates assigned to the chat channel. As an example, there may be 4 or 5 teammates that handle chat messages from one client. When that client opens the chat widget,...
about 1 year ago in Front Chat / Live Chat 0 Backlog

Hitting enter instead of being required to hit send in chat bot

It is very unfriendly to require our customers to click on the send button in the text box versus just hitting enter. Please add this to a coming list of upgrades :)
about 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog