Ability to hide fields when creating or updating a module in Zoho
In the Zoho plugin, you can edit what fields are visible when viewing modules like a contact or lead. However, there is no way to hide certain fields from appearing the create or edit UIs. This would be useful since many of those fields are option...
Allow to set a value to the reply-to email header when creating a new email - at least when we create that email through api : https://www.getresponse.com/help/reply-to-field.html
Slack channel integration — support syncing message edits
Once a message comes in from Slack, any edits that the original creator makes are not updated in Front, making it possible to miss information without going back to check the message in Slack. Images as an example.
Native two way sync between Teams and Front OOO status. Toggling OOO in Teams would toggle OOO in Front and vice versa. (Behavior between Teams and Outlook today)
Real-time translations in Front - Google Cloud Translation API
A Front Translate module - Front user pick Translation engine. The possibility to connect your own Google Cloud Translation (account) to Front. Very easy to get started via the Google Cloud Console. Incoming messages can be translated in real time...
Support lookup for @ user and # channel mentions in Slack
Integration of lookups for Slack users/groups and Slack channels within the Front interface. This will enable you to lookup people and Slack channels directly from Front to help redirect people to the correct channels/people. Basically work in the...