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Set default Knowledge base for p4

Currenty when a user opens the p4 KB side bar it shows the first knowlege base aviable. Users manually have to select which one they are viewing.
3 months ago in Knowledge Base 0

SSO for Gated Knowledge Base

Customer wants to utilize Gated KB for internal employees that are not Front users. SSO makes this much easier to maintain.
3 months ago in Knowledge Base 0

Pull Avatar/Image from Google profile so that it populates the Profile Photo in Front

Save time on set up.
5 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Application Object Automatically Refresh Token

Running into an issue where salesforce connector apps are automatically logged out after 24 hours It appears we are not requesting a new token when a previous token expires. After speaking to Xav, it was highlighted that this happens because there...
5 months ago in Dynamic objects 0 Backlog

Track 'seen' receipts

We often send out a test of a new email strategy / approach and it would be great to be able to measure 'opens' and 'clicks' like you can with a marketing campaign - to measure the success of various customer success or sales initiatives. I think ...
10 months ago in Insights 1 Will not do

Copy attendees from calendar event

Having to have another meeting with the same attendees - the only way I see is to add them all would be great to be able to copy an attendee list into a new meeting.
over 1 year ago in Attendee management / Cal/scheduling efficiency 0 Backlog

Sequence updates

Update sequence functionality to provide additional information around open rate, bounce rate, etc.
about 1 year ago in Outbound/Sequences 0 Backlog

Custom fields for Channels

While custom fields are currently enabled on the Inbox level, having these fields enabled a step further on the Channel level – the actual email customers use for example – would allow you to dynamically insert phone numbers, names, and other impo...
about 2 years ago in Custom fields (smart rules) 0 Backlog

Dynamic Objects - Send custom headers

I'm building a Dynamic Object to fetch data from an API. The API returns XML data by default, but will return JSON when the API request contains an Accept: application/json header. Can you introduce the ability for me to send custom request header...
over 1 year ago in Dynamic objects 0 Backlog

Provide option to "Keep participants" when a conversation is moved to a new inbox manually

Currently, companies have the option to create a rule in Front that moves a conversation to a new inbox and keep the current participants on the conversation, even when those participants do not have access to the inbox in question. When a convers...
about 2 years ago in Access - what's accessible or visible to whom in P3 0 Backlog