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Dynamic objects: add feature to make prefixes and/or dynamic portions case sensitive

When adding a text pattern, options are rather limited. I only want dynamic objects when the prefix is SP... and not when it is sp... with the latter, it will identify objects left and right that are mere words starting with sp.
about 1 year ago in Dynamic objects 0 Backlog

Ability to customize the booking notifications sent to clients when they book a time using scheduling link

It would be helpful to be able to configure/customize the email notification body text to be the same for any booking that occurs using a particular scheduling link (the booking notification sent to a client who books using the link).
about 1 year ago in Scheduling Links 3 Backlog

Ability to always show the quoted message history

The toggle message quote feature when sending an email by clicking the 3 dots (...) We would like to set this so this email trail is permanently extended when receiving an email instead of this information being hidden. This has caused us to miss ...
about 1 year ago in  0 Backlog

Make "Expand All" to be a top-level action in the toolbar instead of nested in the actions menu

Having this button visible on the toolbar at all times would make it more discoverable and memorable for less savvy users.
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Make read status more granular: on a message basis rather than conversation level

Currently, viewing a conversation marks the whole thing as being read, even if you didn't scroll up to see all the messages in the convo. This confuses some users when they read the most recent message in a long conversation, and the next time the...
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Preference for Assignee Title in Sender Line

After a recent update, when a conversation is assigned to the user the format of the heading of the conversation of the assignee in the side panel is now "Sender > me" previous to the update it was "Sender > FirstName LastName". I'm requesti...
about 2 years ago in Assign / Assigning 0 Backlog

Allow Email Signatures for Calendar Event

Allow the use of Email signatures that can be used for standard emails to be addable to the email body when creating a calendar event. At the moment you have to type in a "Kind Regards..." manual. This looks unprofessional.
about 1 year ago in Create New Event / Signatures 0 Backlog

Integration with Tengella

Our company uses a Tengella as an ERP system We need integration with Front to be able to create contacts in Tengella after triggering rules in Front, receive information from Tengella, update custom contact fields with infor...
about 1 year ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

View for Tags that would include Archived Emails

We use tags to track certain items that need to be paid out on a monthly basis. It would be very helpful to have a view of these tagged emails that have been archived so we could have them all in one place without them having to be Open.
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Be able to set the "time passed since trigger" in a rule by days instead of only hours or minutes

I'd like to be able to automatically follow up with my customers shorly before their quote expires. Our quotes are vaild for 60 days so the current set up of following up withing hours isn't useful for me
about 2 years ago in Rule conditions 0 Backlog