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Application Webhooks: Configure which inboxes to receive notifications from

As a developer, when I create an Application Webhook I will receive notifications for all events of the type(s) I subscribed to, across all shared inboxes. My app users may only want to monitor a subset of their inboxes with my app, so I receive a...
over 1 year ago in Developer Platform / Partner Integrations 0 Backlog

Require tag: add new tags to the list automatically

Idea: "select a tag among children tag of tag X" This would be very helpful if you have a "Incident type" list of tag and you add new types as they happen.
almost 3 years ago in Other (workflows) 0 Backlog

Export contact notes

It would be great to be able to export and import contact notes as part of the contact functionality.
over 1 year ago in Other (Contacts) 0 Backlog

Configure columns for custom fields in contacts manager

I saw that I could use Custom Fields to add custom columns. But unfortunately I can't configure them the way I want.Example in this screenshot, the Twitter and Description columns don't interest me at all. I would have liked to be able to delete/h...
over 1 year ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

Ability to adjust email headers

It would be very useful to be able to add headers to messages sent via a custom SMTP server.
over 3 years ago in Message headers / metadata 1 Backlog

Create a shortcut for "block sender" or move it to the top toolbar

Make "block sender" easier use by creating a hotkey/shortcut or moving it to become a top-level action in the main view toolbar.
over 3 years ago in Triage - get to inbox 0 1 Backlog

iPad keyboard shortcuts

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Mobile 1 Backlog

Access runbooks, SOPs, checklists in the conversation

Often times, our staff needs to reference checklists and SOPs that guide them on how to resolve a customer request or to perform an assigned task that came into a shared inbox. Often times our teams have to go to an outside system to find the SOPs...

View login attempt logs as admin

As an admin, I would like to see an audit log of all successful and failed login attempts to our Front account
over 1 year ago in Login and SSO settings 0 Backlog

Remove Participants as an option for the Move Action in rules

We currently have options when moving conversations with a rule for Restricting participants or Keeping them. Having the option to "remove all participants" from a conversation would allow for a conversation to be moved to another inbox "fresh", a...
about 2 years ago in Rule actions 1 Backlog