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Teammate availability per inbox/channel

Ability to make teammates available for rule assignment only for specific inboxes or channels.
about 4 years ago in Teammate availability 0 Backlog

Trigger dynamic object creation when conversation title is changed

Would love to have dynamic objects triggered when I edit a conversation title and add a dynamic object pattern
over 1 year ago in Dynamic objects 5 Backlog

Chatbot: Set knowledge base as default tab upon opening

Would be very useful to have to option to set the knowledge base/Help center tab as the default one so that when a user opens the chatbot they arrive on the Help center tab instead of the chat.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Create Default Option/viewing always last message in thread

it is important when there is a conversation with many participants to view always the last sent message when you search it and open it instead of touching the button jump to most recent .
over 1 year ago in P3 display 0 Backlog

Remove tags limit to allow for more than 500 personal tags

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Right click on Front App icon to activate shortcuts

Outlook includes a feature in which you Right-Click on the icon in your taskbar, and a list of shortcut options will appear. This allows a user to create an email, meeting, appointment, contact, etc. without needing to open the app itself. Screens...
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

YouTube integration

Pull in comments from YouTube and enable the ability to respond to comments
about 2 years ago in Developer Platform 3 Backlog

Facebook channel — support for deleting/hiding comments, liking comments, and sending private messages to comment authors

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Hide message templates

We have many different team members who do not use all of (or any of) our team inboxes, and do not need to see all of our message template folders mixed in with their personal message templates. It slows people down and is annoying to have to scro...
about 2 years ago in Message templates 1 Backlog

Dynamic groups for use in sequences

Currently, sequences can only be sent to pre-defined, static groups, or individual email addresses. This would be more flexible if groups could be defined dynamically, such as contacts with certain attributes.
about 2 years ago in Outbound/Sequences 1 Backlog