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My votes: AI

Showing 16 of 1483

AI chatbots trained on historical conversation records

Most of our "knowledge" is buried in years and years of emails - there are many questions that we've answered over and over again. It would be very invaluable to be able to train AI on these historical conversation records for both generating emai...
11 months ago in AI / Chatbots 0 Backlog

Enable AI for specific teammates / inboxes

Ability to allow select users / inboxes, etc. to use AI features.
11 months ago in AI 0 Backlog

AI Summarize in different languages

AI Summarize currently only works with English; we should also allow for other languages.
11 months ago in AI 0 Planned

AI composer in templates

When creating templates, have the AI composer there to help create better templates
about 1 year ago in AI / Message templates 0 Backlog

Generate summary with AI in discussions tab

Be able to use OpenAI feature with discussions.
about 1 year ago in AI 0 Backlog

AI AutoTagging

Front currently has a "tag" feature where a company can create a list of tags and mark each conversation with any number of them. At my company (Collective), we have around 30-40 tags that our Support team currently uses. However, manually tagging...
about 1 year ago in AI / Tags 0 Planned