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Increase limit for pinned inboxes in sidebar to over 500

If you are using Front as a one stop email service for personal email as well as work, 500 pinned inboxes/folders really isn't enough, especially if you are in sales and break up your prospects/customers into individual pinned tags/inboxes/views. ...
almost 2 years ago in P1 navigation - left pane 0 Backlog

API support to maintain rule data sets

Rule data sets are currently manually maintained or limited to 500 rows for a CSV import. API access to manage this would give an avenue to maintain this in a non manual way and reduces chances of errors occurring
almost 2 years ago in Core API 0 Backlog

Add contact notes to dynamic variables in rules

When a request comes in from a known content it would be nice to extract the notes from a contact and paste them into the conversation as a comment so all context stored in a Contact is immediately viewable by the agent. It would save time clickin...
almost 2 years ago in Smart rules 0 Backlog

Ability to resize left nav bar in Admin Settings

From Admin Settings, I cannot view the full workspace name. I'd like the ability to either re-size p1 in Admin Settings or be able to view the full workspace name.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / Settings 0 Backlog

Allow a {{dynamic variable}} to display multiple items, 1 per recipient

For example, if I send an email to 10 people with {{first_name}}, the variable will fill out the first name for each contact in the recipient list.
almost 2 years ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Allow for multiselect in custom field dropdown

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

Ability to filter specific contacts from several different lists to send an email to

For example if I had list A and list B and I wanted to quickly send an email to only the contacts that were on both lists, that would be extremely helpful to our team.
almost 2 years ago in Contacts 1 Backlog

Receive daily email with the day's agenda from Front Calendar

Receive an email with the day's agenda
almost 2 years ago in Calendar View 0 Backlog

Shareable "message link" in the URL bar

Option to see shareable "message link" in the URL bar as Standard. I would appreciate it, because I often create backlinks between conversations. I often use the "save to notion" extension and it uses the URL, that is shown in the Browser
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Method CRM integration
almost 2 years ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog