From Company settings > Teammates, allow the list of teammates to be filtered by certain attributes. Please leave a comment with details on what you would like to filter on and for what purpose.
Admins can specify when a team will be on vacation and define the dates and responder. This could be achieved by selecting certain teammates, or potentially an inbox setting.
Notifications / new message sound for chat visitors
Each time we send a message to the customer, a notification sound should alert them. This will enhance our ability to offer effective support, enabling them to respond promptly to our messages.
Ability to pin calendars of users who are not in Front
In the left panel of the calendar view, users should be able to pin calendars of arbitrary, non-Front user calendars if they have the permission to view them
Show the conversation summaries when it can help understand what a conversation is about, across the app so a user can work faster. For example, showing the summaries on conversation previews in the inbox view the search view linked conversation t...