Give customer the choice between multiple 3rd party spell checkers
Currently Front supports spell checking using Grammarly. However, some customers would prefer to have the choice the use other spell checkers, like Microsoft spell checker, as there are cases where they can provide better suggestions.
We are aware that we have conversation codes. But it would be nice and organized to have an internal ticketing system that queues the incoming emails and provides a ticket number to the customers and a portal our customers could access to track pr...
Ability to sort the conversations list by sender or "from" address. This is something that is able to be done today in Outlook, and can be key to certain users' workflows.
Front Chat localization to support different languages
Localization in the chat widget to support different languages. Includes text & buttons in the collect customer details step in the chatbot flow, the "Start new conversation" button after the chatbot auto-archives the flow, and more.