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Rule Insight History Link

When you go in to edit a rule, it has the "Rule Insight" on the the far right. It displays some useful information. The Rule Insight shows the date and time when the rule was last applied. If you are an admin, it would be helpful to link you direc...
about 1 year ago in Workflows 1 Backlog

Hubspot integration - Show rule has taken place

When using a rule to log messages in Hubspot, show that the rule has taken place like with other rules in Front.This was you can be quite sure a message has been logged from Front to Hubspot
about 1 year ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Template to rule (building workflows off each template)

When you create a template, ability to create a rule off this template. Today you have to copy some of the template body to create a rule but it would be great if you could: Create rule If this template is used Then do X
about 1 year ago in Advanced rule conditions and actions / Workflows 0 Backlog

Out of Office Status for TEAM Inboxes Only (still get personal inbox notifications)

My team needs the ability to be "out of office" for the team inboxes so new replies are unassigned with the ability to still receive notifcations for their personal inbox. Just because someone is done working in a team inbox for the day does not m...
over 1 year ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Add contact notes to dynamic variables in rules

When a request comes in from a known content it would be nice to extract the notes from a contact and paste them into the conversation as a comment so all context stored in a Contact is immediately viewable by the agent. It would save time clickin...
over 1 year ago in Smart rules 0 Backlog

New tools to recognize phishing attempts.

Due to an increase in phishing emails lately and a possible influx of more capable attempts with the advancements in AI tech it's important to make sure there are processes in place to catch them before they can cause issues. The idea is a new rul...
over 1 year ago in Rule actions 0 Backlog

Skip a rule if the activity (trigger) is API-created rather than human created

As an Admin, I want the ability to add a rule condition that stops a rule from running if it's triggered by an API rather than human creation.
over 1 year ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Dynamic groups for use in sequences

Currently, sequences can only be sent to pre-defined, static groups, or individual email addresses. This would be more flexible if groups could be defined dynamically, such as contacts with certain attributes.
over 1 year ago in Outbound/Sequences 1 Backlog

Preference for Assignee Title in Sender Line

After a recent update, when a conversation is assigned to the user the format of the heading of the conversation of the assignee in the side panel is now "Sender > me" previous to the update it was "Sender > FirstName LastName". I'm requesti...
over 1 year ago in Assign / Assigning 0 Backlog

Be able to set the "time passed since trigger" in a rule by days instead of only hours or minutes

I'd like to be able to automatically follow up with my customers shorly before their quote expires. Our quotes are vaild for 60 days so the current set up of following up withing hours isn't useful for me
over 1 year ago in Rule conditions 0 Backlog