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Search in .TXT attachment files

70% of the files we receive are in txt file and they are filtered to go to different person/department based on certain words in the txt file
almost 2 years ago in Search location 1 Launched

Allow chat composer to expand in size

In one of the previous versions of the app, the composer field would expand dynamically with content. If the typing field were expandable then people could easily see more of their message.
about 2 years ago in Live Chat 0 Launched

Allow IP address to be blocked in Front Chat

Ability to whitelist certain IP addresses to prevent spam in Front Chat
almost 4 years ago in Live Chat 0 Launched

[language] Add Chinese to AI Translate options

Given Chinese is one of the most commonly used language, it would be highly beneficial to us (and any other companies with a China presence) to also include Chinese as an option under Compose with AI's "Translate" function. Of all the languages av...
6 months ago in AI / AI compose / AI language 1 Launched

Allow developers to create new "Send to <integration>" rule actions

As a developer, I would like to create a "Send to <my-integration>" rule action. Today it's possible to create an Application Webhook to subscribe to all events in an account of a given type (this is great for use cases like logging metrics ...
9 months ago in Developer Platform / Partner Integrations 1 Launched

AI composer functionality for drafting KB articles

No description provided
12 months ago in AI / Knowledge Base 0 Launched

Conversation custom fields in Search

Add conversation custom fields as a filter in search (ideally in the search from the UI - refer to screenshot attached). Today we have a way to search by conversation custom field (which is already helpful) but it's pretty technical and hard for e...
about 1 year ago in Custom fields / Filters / Filters - Query builder / Search 0 Launched

Date filter in the Search Builder

Add a date range picker in the "Search Builder"
over 1 year ago in Filters - Query builder 0 Launched

Search query auto-correct, "did you mean this"

Description: I sometimes have typos in my query which returns 0 results Request: Having a spelling correction system that correct my queries and informs me about it
almost 2 years ago in Matching 0 Launched

Support light variations in search (plurals, accent, declensions) (Stemming)

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in Matching 0 Launched