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Navigate - find your work

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Enable notifications for discussions

Enable pop up notifications for discussions (Not just conversations with emails and comments)
about 4 years ago in Notifications 1 Backlog

Linked Conversations support for Discussions

Managers may have an internal discussion about a task list pertaining to an email conversation. Rather than add the task list to the comments of the email conversation, they'd like to create a separate discussion for the task list and link that di...
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Linked conversations 0 Backlog

Pin tag for a teammate after it has been created (not just during creation)

Ability to pin tags from the Edit flow for a tag
over 2 years ago in P1 navigation - left pane 0 Backlog

Granular setting to only show calendar notifications

Notification setting that only allows calendar notifications and mutes all other types of notifications
almost 2 years ago in Notifications 0 Backlog

Ability to bring high priority inboxes to the top of the sidebar

Give people more flexibility to reorder inboxes to ensure high priority inboxes are not lost at the bottom of their sidebar or below the fold.
almost 2 years ago in P1 navigation - left pane 0 Backlog

Change order of team workspaces

Ability for users to reorder Team workspaces in their sidebar
about 4 years ago in P1 navigation - left pane 1 Backlog

Age order of emails customised

It would be good to have emails ordered oldest to newest in the inbox, but then newest to oldest in the archived section, for example. At the moment, you need to choose either oldest to newest or newest to oldest for ALL areas of the individual in...
about 1 year ago in Navigate - find your work 0 Backlog

Access runbooks, SOPs, checklists in the conversation

Often times, our staff needs to reference checklists and SOPs that guide them on how to resolve a customer request or to perform an assigned task that came into a shared inbox. Often times our teams have to go to an outside system to find the SOPs...

Back to previous conversation

Like in a web browser if we could go back to the previous page (conversation in this case) it would be pretty usefull for merging and "linking" conversation together.
over 1 year ago in P1 navigation - left pane 0 Backlog

Dedupe rule notifications when inbox is delegated

I am receiving multiple notifications to my phone when rules are triggered as a delegate of another account. The same notification, 2x. Just because I'm a delegate of another account or accounts shouldn't mean I need to receive a duplicate notific...
over 1 year ago in Delegated inboxes / Notifications 0 Backlog