For scheduling links, the option to use Recurring as the option for availability but also to lock it so that people who try to book a time through the scheduling link can only book a time a certain number of days in the future
It would be great to have an option to use Recurring as the option for availability on a scheduling link but also to lock it so that people who try to book a time through the scheduling link can only book a time a certain number of days in the fut...
Product Feature: click cmd+R in front email to activate mic then I can talk out what Im trying to say gen AI turns that into a written out email copy that matches my conciseness and tone of voice
Improved calendar notification for date/time changes
If a calendar invite has been changed, the notification which comes through does not always show the date/time of the meeting, just that the meeting has been changed. I then have to go into my Outlook calendar to check what that notification says.
Our team sometimes needs to preview a full message template before selecting it, so it would be great to have a way to do this without having to select the message template. Have a preview button option that pulls up a modal with the full template.
Add a button that schedules a meeting with everyone that is on the email. It would be on the three-dot dropdown menu along with "Forward" and "Forward as a new conversation" - something like "Schedule meeting" - click that would pop open the calen...