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Core Product Experience

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Ability to Print without Tags

Have an option that allows print to be used without tags listed
about 2 years ago in Printing 0 Backlog

Ability to send notifications to an alternative email (individual or team) regarding an assigned conversation that never got a reply

Option to have notification emails sent to an alternative email/team email regarding an assigned conversation that never got a reply, either because the assigned contact is out of office or hasn't seen/responded the email + option to customize the...
about 2 years ago in Notifications 0 Backlog

Provide option to "Keep participants" when a conversation is moved to a new inbox manually

Currently, companies have the option to create a rule in Front that moves a conversation to a new inbox and keep the current participants on the conversation, even when those participants do not have access to the inbox in question. When a convers...
about 2 years ago in Access - what's accessible or visible to whom in P3 0 Backlog

Make the 'printed by {username}' optional

When printing a mail 'printed by {username}' is added before the content. Could this be made optional (like the print attachments)?
about 2 years ago in Other (CPX) 0 Backlog

Automatically Archive Calendar Invite after RSVP

When a calendar invite is acknowledged (Yes, Maybe, No), automate archiving of email (or create a prompt for that action)
about 2 years ago in Cal/scheduling efficiency 0 Backlog

Add Helvetica Neue as a Font

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Composer 0 Backlog

Allow scheduling link times at 15 min increments rather than default 30

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Scheduling Links 1 Already available

Drag & drop images as attachments instead of inline with message

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Attachments 0 Backlog

Basic support for writing code in composer

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Composer 1 Backlog

"send later and snooze" option when replying to an email

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Triage - get to inbox 0 1 Backlog