Make read status more granular: on a message basis rather than conversation level
Currently, viewing a conversation marks the whole thing as being read, even if you didn't scroll up to see all the messages in the convo. This confuses some users when they read the most recent message in a long conversation, and the next time the...
After a recent update, when a conversation is assigned to the user the format of the heading of the conversation of the assignee in the side panel is now "Sender > me" previous to the update it was "Sender > FirstName LastName". I'm requesti...
We use tags to track certain items that need to be paid out on a monthly basis. It would be very helpful to have a view of these tagged emails that have been archived so we could have them all in one place without them having to be Open.
Add mailbox setting option to order the conversations/emails above the thread w/preview pane below
This is request is to be able to customize mailbox layout similar to GMail, MS Outlook, YahooMail, or other email clients to have message preview reading pane on the bottom rather than to the right of message list.
Have different Internal and External Seat Names, that way when we send emails, clients always see it's from Tenet Support, but when we need to review which agents send a message, we have separate INternal names, so we can tell.
Allow the ability to toggle off image links upon hover
When one hovers over images in emails, the standard functionality is to show the image link very large and clear. However, image links with many UTMs and/or long URLs often take up way too much space and can affect the browsing experience of the e...
Just like how we can send messages with your company email, please enable the idea that we can send scheduling invites through our company email instead of our own, especially if we use our company's calendar.