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Message templates

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Use AI to create dynamic message templates from a base template.

A lot of times in Customer Support scenarios we have to send the same message template to the same customer which isn't ideal. I think it would be really cool if a customer could input a base for a template and then AI could sent out the same mess...
8 months ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Company-wide email templates

The ability to create message templates that are accessible across multiple workspaces, when it's not feasible for all who need access to also have access to the same workspace.
9 months ago in Admin Experience / Core Product Experience / Message templates / Workspaces 1 Backlog

Display history of template creation, and show when last used

In the UI of the "Message Templates" section of Front, i'd like to be able to be able to see the history of the message template (primarily, who created it, and who last edited it), as well as see when it was last used. If I see we have templates ...
11 months ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Automatically capitalize name when using variables

When using message variables (using the {{ shortcut), for example if you write "Hi {{recipient.first_name}}," and the contact name isn't capitalized, then you have to manually update it. Would be great if this variable automatically capitalized th...
12 months ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Filter message templates

Instead of seeing only 4 recent templates, and then ALL templates and having to scroll through everyone's, can we either increase the RECENT section or be able to filter by our own personal templates?
about 1 year ago in Message templates 1 Backlog

Message templates - variable in Subject field

Today we can only insert message template variables in the body. The goal here is to be able to use variables in the subject field (optional field) of message templates.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience / Message templates 0 Backlog

Notes / instructions for templates

When a CSR uses a template, there are often fill in details or instructions like "attach the receipt" that I have tried to include in the text in bold colors but even my best CSRs have shot off the email without removing my instructions during bus...
over 1 year ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Reusable components for templates

Be able to have reusable components (Eg headers and footers) that can be referenced within templates - so it's easy to maintain a constant look and feel and easy to make one change that will be reflected across all templates.
over 1 year ago in Message templates 1 Backlog

Support for Embedded, tab-enabled Tables/Forms in Templates

Why Tables/Forms? Forms provide a more efficient method of entering structured data. Forms also reduce errors and encourage data consistency. Desirable Tables/Forms Features Inserting a Table, using the same style of 'Insert Table" interface found...
over 1 year ago in Message templates 0 Backlog

Dialpad SMS - Hyperlink in message templates

It would be helpful to keep hyperlinks in message templates when switching to the Dialpad Channel. At the moment hyperlinks and survey's don't work.
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations / Message templates 0 Backlog