Reassign custom fields pointing to a teammate to another user
Today when a user is disabled, the account remain assigned to that user in Accounts. If their manager remembers that there are accounts assigned to a departed user, they will give me a back up user or a lits of user to re-assign accounts to. To co...
Add the ability to configure the link on phone number handle as a redirect to the phone system of choice for a customer. Right now it opens up a new Conversation in Front and it would be more helpful if there was flexibility to open up a VOIP instead
Customer wants the ability to embed their public-facing KB to their website, and then be able to search articles directly in their website. If the public API included search functionality, this would be doable
Add "source inbox" to the event payloads for Move events
As a developer I sometimes need to see the source inbox of a move (i.e. see which inbox a conversation was moved from in addition to the inbox it was moved to.
The limit is set to 2000 characters currently, it would be nice if this could be increased to avoid needing to send multiple messages or direct the customer to another form of communication i.e. email when dealing with a more complex inquiry.
Add a new permission for managing shifts that can be added inside a custom role. This enables teammates other than full Workspace admins to manage shifts.
When snoozing a conversation in an Intercom channel in Front, this is synced to Intercom as "Archived" which is not intended. Request is to support Snooze activities fully in both systems.