Change UI/UX of Front Calendar and scheduling links to make it more modern
There are many scheduling apps currently with way cleaner and nicer UI/UX. Please consider redesigning yours. When we send the scheduling link to our partners/customers with bad design, it affects our brand/reputation.
Change the color of a newly created inbox/team inbox
Hi, Using the API to create a new inbox/team inbox. It would be so helpful to enable the ability to change the color in the settings of the item. Similar to what is already enabled when creating a tag, using the highlight attribute.
Ability for Front users to disable Oauth in Settings
Right now, users have to write into our Support team in order to disable Oauth login. It would be helpful and reduce bottleneck for users to be able to toggle this in settings, and for admins to be able to do it on their behalf.
Allow personalized settings for auto-created contacts for individual inboxes
The teams using Front at our company have a wide variety of roles and use Front completely different from team to team. Some teams find the auto-created contacts very useful for their work while others find it challenging. Currently, we can only c...
Our team would like to be able to reply as a new conversation to ease the ability for "Side Conversations" to happen with emails. For example, there may be a conversation with many participants that you'd like to keep on the original conversation,...
Hi, I'd like to be able to fetch a teammate's vacation (wether if it's planned or ongoing) via an API endpoint. The end need would be to be able to alert specific clients on our webapp that the manager of their unit (as in real estate units) is un...
In-app (click able links) to conversations provided by API responses
you should put the conversation id in the response of the create draft endpoint (and other endpoint like create message) directly. I had to extract it out of the url `_links.related.conversation`. It would have been better to extract it out of the...