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AI Compose on last email

I'd like AI compose to mostly focus on the last email in the thread when composing a response, instead of pulling information from the entire thread.
9 months ago in AI 0 Backlog

Customizable templates for AI

When using AI compose, I want to have more granular control over the template, including whether or not to include a closing signature.
9 months ago in AI 0 Backlog

AI AutoTagging

Front currently has a "tag" feature where a company can create a list of tags and mark each conversation with any number of them. At my company (Collective), we have around 30-40 tags that our Support team currently uses. However, manually tagging...
about 1 year ago in AI / Tags 0 Planned

AI Compose on Mobile App

The AI composer features are a great enhancement and would be even more helpful if they were available in the mobile app.
about 1 month ago in AI / Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

AI Conversation Data Extraction

It was be really powerful to extract specific data points from Conversation message data to be used for workflows, DOs, etc
about 1 month ago in AI 0 Backlog

AI composer in templates

When creating templates, have the AI composer there to help create better templates
about 1 year ago in AI / Message templates 0 Backlog