Admins need to grant Workspace admins permission to edit teammate settings, manage access and invite new teammates to Front, so that their team can work autonomously. However, giving them this permission also grants them the ability to add new lic...
Users can archive conversations in their inbox don't have the archive permission
Admins remove a teammate's permission to archive conversations, to avoid the conversation being mistakenly closed in a shared inbox. This would mean that the However, this shouldn't restrict the user from archiving the conversation in their own in...
Split billing permissions from Company admin status
Today, company admin is the highest level of access which allows the user to access anything in Front, including billing actions such as adding licenses, changing payment details or upgrading plans. We could introduce a new notion of billing permi...
Restrict conversation actions for a specific inbox i.e. View-only inbox access
Today, teammates can be given different sets of conversation permissions (e.g. ability to send a reply) between different Workspaces. However, creating a dedicated Workspace just for this purpose can be over-the-top and have undesired side effects...
Limit who can add, edit and delete contacts and accounts. This could also include limitations on freely browsing through contact data in the contact manager, although, we cannot restrict the ability to view contact data entirely.