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Explicit "empty value" cases in rule conditions

Rules to not have explicit No value/NULL cases. It prevents very specific workflows from working ("do X if subject is empty").
about 3 years ago in Other (workflows) 2 Backlog

Send as a new conversation rule action

Instead of replying in the same thread, it can sometimes be beneficial to send it as a new conversation
almost 4 years ago in "Create new conversation" actions 0 Backlog

See "last time used" for message templates in message template list

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Other (workflows) 0 Backlog

Assignment limits for round robin

Similar to what is offered to load balancing, round robin would not assign to teammates that have N open conversations already assigned.
about 4 years ago in Load balancing 0 Backlog

Log attachment in dropbox/drive/etc as a rule action

Add a 3rd party integration action "Log attachment in 3rd party system"
about 4 years ago in 3rd party 0 Backlog

Delay conditions below a minute

For certain use cases we need to wait a few seconds after an event in Front before a Rule triggers. It would be helpful if Time Since Trigger (and other delayed conditions) could support a finer granularity in seconds.
about 4 years ago in Rule conditions 0 Backlog

Drag and drop to change rule order

Instead of using the arrows, or typing in the order number you want a rule to fall into, having the ability to drag and drop rules in different order could be a better experience for customers who have cascading rules.
over 3 years ago in Rule management 0 Backlog

Send to spam rule action

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Rule actions 0 Backlog

create a recipient folder in Front to re-use the same list for a sequence

instead of importing everytime a new recipient list, being able to re-use the same list through a folder in sequences.
almost 2 years ago in Contacts / Outbound/Sequences 1 Backlog

More meaningful API rules endpoint results

When calling the fetch rule API endpoint, you are returned with minimal information (name and actions). It would be more ideal if there was reusable information fields such as which inbox is being impacted (inbox ID) and which tags are being appli...
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 0 Backlog