When an email fails to send because of a suppressed or incorrect email, an emailed alert should accompany this. I'm finding the small note in the comment section of the message isn't helpful when using Send & Archive.
Same way that currently there is a button to scroll down to the most recent conversation, I would like to have a button to scroll up to the 1st conversation in the thread.
Create Default Option/viewing always last message in thread
it is important when there is a conversation with many participants to view always the last sent message when you search it and open it instead of touching the button jump to most recent .
Split 'Shared With Me' Inbox into subscribed conversations and @mentioned conversations
It would be great if I could split my shared with me inbox into two categories:1. The threads where I am mentioned in the comments (these typically require immediate attention) 2. The threads where I am a subscriber but I am not mentioned. Nice to...