Increase the Merge conversation message limit - 100 is too low
Merging conversations is my favorite Front feature and we use it extensively. We've recently come up against the 100 message limit (15 people on an email chain and 4 support engineers can hit 100 messages VERY quickly). 100 Message merge limit has...
Today, users can edit conversation subjects. However, the action is not logged in the activity thread. Admins need to track every action. Editing the subject of the conversation cannot be tracked (unlike most of the other actions)
Move conversations between inboxes delegated to me
If a teammate has delegated their inboxes to me, I should be able to move their conversations between their individual inboxes. This can help personal assistants organize conversations into different individual inboxes.
It would be great to allow embedded messages, like tweets, to added to a discussion thread. I was in a thread where someone pasted the embed code for a tweet and it just sent the raw html (obviously) but it would be a great QOL update to be able t...
Add option to display subject line in drafts automatically
Sometimes we need to amend the subject line and it would be helpful to be able to choose to see it automatically in drafts rather than having to manually open it each time.
At the moment you cannot delegate all inboxes of a member of staff without showing all their private discussions. But if you turn off delegation and select their inbox, you can then no longer see assigned emails etc.
Enable setting for new messages drafts to be created in Front Drafts section, not in separate pop-up window
Please allow for a setting for new message drafts to be defaulted into the "Drafts Section of Front App" over the Pop Up Window. The Pop Up Window is limiting and means i can not work with Front plugins/integrations etc while writing and sending t...
Right now, when I am in an inbox, the top shows filtered such as open, archived, and snoozed. I would love to be able to see drafts that are shared with the team with access to the inbox there as well.