Context: users migrating from folder-based email systems (Outlook) find it difficult to accept lack of folders. Front's answer is: use tags. However, unless you know that a tag exists, it is often difficult to find them, so users end up creating s...
Create Default Option/viewing always last message in thread
it is important when there is a conversation with many participants to view always the last sent message when you search it and open it instead of touching the button jump to most recent .
Customize the default time of 'Day & Time' snooze option
As a user who leverages snooze frequently, I'd like to change the 'Day & Time' snooze option to default to when I start my day (at 8am, instead of 9am), after a date is selected. I'd be able to snooze conversations accurately, with less clicks.
Not jump to next email when you archive something / look at your inbox instead
There should be a way to not automatically look at the top email in each inbox when you archive something. Gmail currently takes the user to look at their main inbox - not a specific email/record
Keyboard shortcut: use keyboard arrows to move from P2 to P3 to scroll down P3
Keyboard users scrolling down P2 using the down arrow would like to move to P3 using the right arrow to then use the down arrow to view whole email if too long to fit to view