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Showing 608 of 1691 calendar integration

Integrating calendar with one time suite
11 months ago in Calendar - other 0 Backlog

Suggest "@" value based on the users' workspace

We have been running into assignation problems recently, since we have homonyms between our usernames. People are used to "@" quickly in order to be efficient, however they sometimes do not look closely enough, and click "Enter" on the first sugge...
11 months ago in Comments / @ mentions 0 Backlog

Ability to lock/unlock a discussion

Sometimes discussions need to be closed or locked from further additions. Sometimes coworkers add a question to a discussion that is untouched and unrelated, making a mess of record keeping. The ability to turn a discussion off (and back on) would...
11 months ago in Internal discussions 0 Backlog

Enable templates for discussions

It would be extremely helpful if we had the option to create discussion templates similar to the available email template function. Our team uses discussions to log various project statuses across multiple aspects of our business as shown in the i...
11 months ago in Internal discussions 0 Backlog

Simple pinned-comments request

I'd like to request that the pinned-comment notification icon be moved to the bottom. It's essentially never noticed by anyone where it is currently, so pinned comments are only useful if you remember that something was pinned or think to randomly...
11 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Reoccuring Snoozes / Reminders

It would be great if Front could create a reoccurring snooze or reminder function. Would be great if you need a prompt daily / weekly e.g. pull X report or email customer about upcoming shipment.
almost 2 years ago in Snooze 0 Backlog

Add check box drop down list in new discussion

☐ Just like this Idea window editor ☐ It would be nice to have the ability to create tasks under new discussions ☐ so i don't have to use Asana just for project tasks needed ☐ discussions added to Inboxes might just be enough for me not to need a ...
11 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Increase limit for pinned inboxes in sidebar to over 500

If you are using Front as a one stop email service for personal email as well as work, 500 pinned inboxes/folders really isn't enough, especially if you are in sales and break up your prospects/customers into individual pinned tags/inboxes/views. ...
almost 2 years ago in P1 navigation - left pane 0 Backlog

In mac OS desktop app, provide option to disable spell-check

As far as I can tell (and the Front support person with whom I just chatted agreed that I'm correct about this), there is no way to disable spellcheck in the mac OS desktop version of Front. I have disabled the "Correct spelling automatically" che...
11 months ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Ability to resize left nav bar in Admin Settings

From Admin Settings, I cannot view the full workspace name. I'd like the ability to either re-size p1 in Admin Settings or be able to view the full workspace name.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / Settings 0 Backlog