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Live Chat

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Only notify me when a new chat conversation begins, not for each message

Currently I am notified every time a chat message comes in, which means I get a ton of notifications all the time. I'd prefer to only be notified when a new chat conversation comes in (once I know there's a new chat conversation, I tend to stay on...
7 months ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Display online status of chat agents in chat widget

Ability to show chat visitors which support agents are currently online and also the average response time like Intercom does. Would also be helpful to display a message "The team will reply in [xx] hours" if no one is online.
9 months ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Smaller Front Chat bundle size

The size of the Front Chat JS bundle triggers some "Reduce unused JavaScript" warnings when running a Lighthouse page speed test. Is it possible to find any ways to optimize the bundle size of the chat widget, such as only requesting modules I nee...
10 months ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Use existing message templates in chatbot flow

We already have live chat message templates that address commonly asked inquiries. We'd like to be able to use them directly in the chatbot flow instead of having to replicate them manually.
11 months ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Distinct notifications for chatbot conversations

It would be helpful to create an alert specifically for when somebody has used the bot to submit a query. At the moment, the alert applies to any message received (i.e. email) and ideally we just want to know if it is somebody using the bot/ chat ...
11 months ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Live Chat, partner/custom channels: Ability to reply to message

It would be nice to have the ability to reply to a specific message so that your recipient knows exactly which message you are referring too (like Front comments for instance). This would be helpful for non-email channels like Front Chat, social m...
11 months ago in Channel API / Live Chat / Other channels 0 Backlog

View the Navigation Path of a chat user

Currently only able to view the last page that the visitor is before starting the chat. User would like the ability to view their full path that brought them to the page where they started the chat.
11 months ago in Front Chat 0 Backlog

Do not override customer contact details with pre-live chat form entries

We ask to collect info in the pre livechat form (e.g. email + a reference using a custom field) but if the customer types this in wrong or doesn't enter anything this information will be edited / deleted from the contact information. We need this ...
over 1 year ago in Front Chat 0 Backlog

Link to standalone front chat window so customers don't need to embed on a website

Ability to trigger chat widget opening with a hyperlink (e.g., <a href> link) to make it easier to give customers direct access to chat.
over 1 year ago in Live Chat 1 Backlog

Allow IP address to be blocked in Front Chat

Ability to whitelist certain IP addresses to prevent spam in Front Chat
about 3 years ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog