As of today, customers need to contact their RM and ask about a free trial. There should be in-app visibility that lets the user know they can request a trial. Even better, they could initiate a free-trial, themselves.
ICE Chat is a chat channel for to facilitate c ollaboration with other market participants using Chat. The ICE's messaging system offers diverse set up options that can be tailored to support your compliance requirements. React to trade opportunit...
Make conv_id available in plugin context for discussions
I would like to have access to the conversation ID of discussions in the context updates in the plugin pane. When selecting a discussion now, it seems that context.type is "noConversation", even though dicussions also have conversation IDs.
Allow developers to declare type of a custom channel
let customers "declare" the type of a custom channel? Like the implementation would be custom but we could still see it as "chat" or "voice" or "SMS" for other parts of the app?
We have an API plug in that we don't want to remove, but we would love the ability to hide it from all of our team at once rather than having everyone have to hide it individually.
As per the title suggests, currently there is no way to tell if a tag returned by the 'List tags' endpoint is archived or not (please correct me if Im wrong). As Im trying to automate the process of tagging email, I recently ran into an issue wher...