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Developer Platform

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Use default field configuration for Jira projects

Currently, a user can customize the fields they see when creating a Jira ticket via the plugin. This allows them to select the fields that are appropriate for that project and ticket type. However, for large organizations, this requires every sing...
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Create multiple links for single dynamic object / context link

Certain customers want to link to multiple systems from a single pattern. This feature would allow a user add more than one link to a context link / dynamic object.
over 1 year ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Move Open and Remove in Context Links

I just accidently removed a context link instead of opening it because I clicked slightly too quickly. Definitely human error but since there is A) no confirmation to remove and B) no way that I know of to manually re-add a context link, the one I...
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Links 0 Backlog

Todoist Integration - Day Month Year Date Formatting Option

Currently the formatting for dates is Month Day Year and is North America/US centric. An enhancement would be to provide other formatting options like Day Month Year for other Regions more native formatting.
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Ability to remove context links in bulk

I used a test environment of an external system for Context Links while learning how they worked. Even deleting the app doesn't remove the links... I'd like to be able to remove all the dev ones.
over 1 year ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Context Links should contain conversation attributes

Context links are great and we use the time. It would be fantastic if they could be used to transport information from front into the linked system, most critically conversationID or messageID. This could happen via an amended query string or via ...
over 1 year ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Integration Request

Prospect wants WooCommerce Integration. 3 seats on Growth.
10 months ago in New integration requests 0 Will not do

Api access to teammate status

the green, orange and red dot should be accessible via the api on the teammate object
over 1 year ago in Core API 2 Backlog

Define default channel for import message endpoint

Being able to define default channel for imported messages will allow customers who use this endpoint to build more robust workflows. An example of this would be importing a message into an inbox and wanting an autoreply to come from a specific ch...
10 months ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Jira on-prem integration

Similar to our Jira cloud integration, enable on-prem instances of Jira to be connected to Front.
over 1 year ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog