Searching for assignee displays matches in order of most commonly assigned to or displays matches in the current team inbox, as opposed to alphabetically
To make manual assignments faster/more accurate (especially to teammates with common names), it would be helpful if when I type a name into the assign box (like "Nick") the "Nicks" who populate show up in order of who you assign to most or who is ...
[accuracy] AI Answers accuracy improvement based on incorrect answers
Export a report that contains only questions & answers that AI answered incorrectly to improve AI answers by for example: Allowing admins to modify help center articles as needed to help AI answer more accurately. Allowing admins to tweak thei...
Knowledge Base usability & formatting improvements
When voting, please specify which one(s) of the below is the most important for you. Thanks Drag & drop article reordering Ability to add more than one image per line in knowledge base for better readability When editing the table, you always ...