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Option to disable console.logs in Front Chat

After installing Front Chat on my site, I see various items logged to the browser console, like the chat version - could you add an option to the Chat init code to allow developers to disable these logs?
about 2 months ago in Front Chat 0 Backlog

[context] AI to "understand" images (summary, similar conversation, tagging, suggested replies & AI answer ...)

Request: AI features to be multi-modal, meaning they could understand images within the content they are based on. For example, SimilarConversation could recommend a conversation that includes a similar image, AI tagging could classify content bas...

[package] Automatic CSAT from conversation analysis

Context: Understanding customer satisfaction is important for our business, however, today's approaches are too imperfect: Survey : asking users directly. Response rate low (1-3%) and polarized (super happy or frustrated) Not representative of all...
3 months ago in AI / AI tagging / CSAT 0 Backlog

Undo for teammates

When I send an email, I have the option to "undo send" for a short time after sending. I'd like to be able to do this for emails my teammates send as well. For example, if I see that my teammate just sent an email with a typo, I'd like to be able ...
19 days ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 1 Backlog

Support BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification)

about 2 months ago in Compliance & security 0 Backlog

Keyboard Shortcut For Ticket Labels

When using the old inbox you could archive emails using cmd+E. When you try to do that while the new ticketing feature is enabled, it opens up the ticket label options. It would be awesome if there were keyboard shortcuts for 'Open', 'Waiting' and...
about 2 months ago in Ticketing 0 Backlog

Knowledge base article export

Ability to export knowledge base articles
about 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 2 Already available

Private comments / notes to self on conversations

Also: notes without a conversation
over 1 year ago in Comments / @ mentions 1 Backlog

Ability to "mark conversations as distinct" so that option to merge disappears?

It would be great to have a way to "mark conversations as distinct" or "keep separate" so that the option to merge disappears at the bottom of the conversation (if it's appearing to being with). We've noticed use cases where we need to keep conver...
over 1 year ago in Merge / privacy leaks / threading 0 Backlog

Customer portal for ticketing system

We are aware that we have conversation codes. But it would be nice and organized to have an internal ticketing system that queues the incoming emails and provides a ticket number to the customers and a portal our customers could access to track pr...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Planned