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Integrate Time Off Planner with External HR Systems

During a product roadmap presentation, Carter from Edge Logistics mentioned it would be great if the Time Off feature for shifts integrated with external HR systems like Paylocity Link to Gong clip:
over 1 year ago in Teammate availability 0 Backlog

Rules: Condition to detect if an email was auto-generated

As an admin, I would like to create a rule that detects auto-generated emails (such as those sent via mailing lists, auto-replies, etc), and treat these message with a different priority to messages sent by humans. Ideally, I would have a rule con...
over 1 year ago in Rule conditions 0 Backlog

Ability to see the 'seen' icon along with the sent time in the automated response email.

Ability to see the 'seen' icon along with the sent time in the automated response email. It will help the support with a more precise answer.
4 months ago in Auto-reply / Email channels 0 Backlog

Bulk upload Shifts

Mass changes for large teams in shifts are difficult to adjust in the product. Uploading via CSV would reduce the time needed to take these actions.
8 months ago in Admin Experience / Workforce management 0 Backlog

Increase the number of pinned views in the sidebar

Increase the amount of views pinned to the sidebar to be more than 50 this is really helpful to maintain the organization of the workflow =
4 months ago in Views 0 Backlog

Ability to trigger rules when a teammate becomes OOO

Example: WHEN "Inbox Owner" is OOO, THEN "Notify Teammate"
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 1 Backlog

Require tag rule not triggering on move

Ability to choose the trigger: archive or move, but not both as is the case today.
almost 3 years ago in Advanced rule conditions and actions 0 Backlog

Add 'Draft Created' as a Trigger for Rules

When a large customer is using the API with a singular custom channel to create drafts in batches, there is a manual triage component in terms of routing the Draft to the correct place. If Front could look at the content on the draft and take acti...
almost 2 years ago in Rule trigger 0 Backlog

New tools to recognize phishing attempts.

Due to an increase in phishing emails lately and a possible influx of more capable attempts with the advancements in AI tech it's important to make sure there are processes in place to catch them before they can cause issues. The idea is a new rul...
almost 2 years ago in Rule actions 0 Backlog

Shopify integration: sync Shopify data to Front

Bring Shopify data (orders, customers and products) so we can use it (not just a visual in a side window). For example, creating rules and tags based off Shopify tags would be amazing. We use tags in Shopify extensively and would love our conversa...
almost 2 years ago in Existing integrations / Workflows 2 Backlog